Track and art

To detect the presence of some animal species, scientists use, among other techniques, track pads. The idea is quite simple. A tunnel, a cardboard card with some ink in the middle, a bait right in the middle of this ink and the trick is set. A little ball of fluff can then come as well as some creepy crawlies and slithering creatures. I have never seen birds going into these tunnels but who knows, if they discover the amazing taste of peanut butter, they might. Yes, peanut butter is the usual currency used for bait. Pears, fish, cat do wonders as well. But anyway, as getting the bait means walking in the ink and then back out on the card, scientists can then find lovely pieces of art. Just for fun, I put a few together but I am sure we could almost use them as the new Rorschach test. Let's see what you can see in these.

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