Funky Frames

There a few easy solutions to give a new look to 'not-so-attractive" frames.

First one, use some acrylic paint
For this one, I bought this frame in an open-boot sale. It was initially golden, organised in several layers. I thought it would be quite interesting to play a bit more with the light on it. This is why I used first some shiny black acrylic paint. Then, I used a little dish to put next to each other little blobs of black paint, shiny ivory paint and sparkly white paint. Using a sponge, I dipped it into those blobs, simultaneously, and applied the paint on the frame. Once dried, I got a nice surprise as the paint felt rough on my skin.

Detail of one corner

Coming back from Thailand, I printed a black and white portrait of a child. I am always amazing about how beautiful and kind people are showing the traditions they care about or the activities which mean something to them. This child I took a picture of was the perfect example. I thought it would be great to surround his picture with many kind faces I could find in magazines like National geographic. These faces would be in colour make sure my child would be standing out. I therefore use some sort of glue/varnish to stick all the faces I cut.
A great way to relook frames is to do a collage on them. 


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